Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Winter Wonderland - Texas Style
Been thinking of my office hours visit yesterday and decided to concentrate on building up my mileage to 60 per week. I have been encouraged that I have gone a few months now with no major injuries, etc... My build up for CIM was only able to be at 45 to 50ish but even that was huge for me as far as feeling a little more strong again. Office hours are very helpful to me since it keeps me (sorta) from running off "half-cocked" and putting too much on my plate. One thing at a time...
Missed you guys that weren't there! And, excited about seeing some of my buddies from Pike's Peak '06 joining our team for 2009!! Happy Holidays!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Boston Spreadsheet?
Anyway, I downloaded it and it didn't blow up my computer or anything. It is pretty interesting to look at with all the maps, elevations, and time calculations... at least I thought so.
Did a 4 mile easy around TL this afternoon. It was pretty breezy but I was glad to get out. My legs aren't back yet but if I don't get on a running schedule soon I might die from insomnia. It is 10:30 pm right now!! During training time I would have already been in bed for an hour and a half!! Besides, I miss the company!! Hope to see y'all on Tuesday morning for our pre-xmas holiday run... or at Office Hours... whichever suits your fancy! Happy holidays!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
What do broke people do who have no health insurance? Well, they sit in the parking lot of the emergency room at North Austin Hospital (the best and cheapest BTW) in hopes that the triple amount of benadryl they just took will knock down this little allergic reaction that is closing down the lungs. Gee whiz. I did not do my run today dammit because I decided that a tiny little bit of exedrin would be ok to swallow to alleviate an ocular migraine. (It is hard to shop when you are blind.) Apparently not. So, when the doc tells you that you are allergic to ibuprofen and that may mean you are allergic to aspirin as well… believe them. I spent two hours in the parking lot of the hospital today waiting for my face to start becoming less swollen and my chest to stop wheezing. Where is my Epipen shot?? Still packed in my CA luggage at home! I miss national health care… sigh…
What I learned:
• If you are allergic to ibuprofen, stay away from aspirin as well. (in other words, listen to the doctor)
• Always try to run in the morning before I do anything stupid to sideline myself.
• Always have your Epipen shot with you.
• Vote YES on National Health care
• Google “how to get rid of an ocular migraine.”
• Carry benadryl that is easier to open.
• AND, thank God for Team Rogue training because I can go quite some time with no oxygen…
On the UP side...
I LOVE the weather today. Foggy weather is a favorite of mine! Dreaming of werewolves, witches, and scary things in the forest!!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
CIM Report
I went to CIM knowing that this was not my “A” race. I didn’t really know what that meant. My first race (Austin) was decided on in some drunken (yeah, I used to do that!!) moment at Carlos and Charlies. My next two races were Pike’s Peak and Eugene with Rogue. And, my mission in those?? Run hard, don’t die…or do…whatever… So I guess that was my idea of an “A” race… run hard, don’t die. But this was not to be my plan at CIM.
CIM was supposed to be my race to start learning to run smart. A year and a half of drag ass runs and races had pounded me into submission. Steve was right. Stubbornness and the ability to endure pain were not key in meeting my goal. I had to deal with stupidity. (You really MUST read Ruth’s post on half-assing things…it is so good) I did run CIM “smart” and I owe this to all my team as well as my PATIENT coaches.
From the onset, I was supposed to run at a 3:40 pace with my wonderful group of Brenda, Katie, Jon, and Michael. At mile 19, Steve said it was every man (and woman) for themselves. Other than the usual nagging aches and pains and stiffness, the 19 miles clicked off as they should have and we were very regular.
I ran just at the front of my team and as the miles plugged by I began to notice an interesting phenomenon. Every time I naturally hit the gas and sped up, my team naturally slowed down. What was this??? I was curious. I debated each time this happened and finally figured out that it was my natural reaction to speed up when I began to feel labored. My team conserved. We did this for 19 miles. Soon I relaxed into this ebb and flow…still not really knowing where my pace felt comfortable but settled enough to ask questions about gu and salt consumption.
At mile 19, I felt fatigued… too much thinking!!??!! I was doubting my ability to run in with negative splits. However, as I passed Steve I was just behind the 3:40 pace group (having caught them here just as Steve said we would) and Steve yelled at me to catch up to them. Fatigue gone…I had a mission.
And this is what I love about running. It was like a horse (ok, somewhat crippled horse) being let out of the barn in the morning. Freedom! Michael took off and I got the green light! We both wasted the pace group within a minute or so and started our charge to home. By mile 20 I had settled into a rhythm and that old familiar feeling of “run hard, don’t die.” The pain in my hips was sharp as hell but as I passed my bud Michael he urged me on…fuel…
My last six miles were all negative splits…the last one being almost 2 minutes faster than my MGP. I loved the “countdown streets” and it made it even better as I ran for home. I heard my team yell for me as I rounded the corner to the finish and I had a good kick left to run on in. I had knocked down 5 minutes in my last 6 miles to come in at 3:35:05.
I felt good. Of course I was tired…but I was not too beaten up. I ran 6 miles on the trails in Muir Woods on the following Tuesday with just a little discomfort on the downs. But best of all, I was happy. Happy to be running with so little aftermath and with so much sense of confidence that just maybe I am going to figure this all out one day.
Things I learned:
I need to know a lot more about nutrition. I did take a gu and a salt tab before the race. I took 3 gus and 1 salt tab the entire course. I don’t think it was enough but it was all my stomach would take. I think you have to train your body to eat that stuff.
Plus…I’m fat… not the bon-bon couch potato fat but the “got a little too comfortable in the fat jeans” kinda fat. I am 15 pounds heavier than when I ran Eugene. 15 pounds!!! I can fool myself that it fills out your winkles but basically I just need to step away from the cookie bag more often. Sadly, I am an “easy keeper” as we say in the horse biz. Somehow, 10 pounds has gotta go…
Having runners around you that you are familiar with is a huge help. It was fun and inspiring… we all know a little of each other’s stories and that feeds the energy. I am so thankful that my buddies were there to witness my crappy runs this summer (sorry guys!!) for it made me want to prove to them that I was ok now…I could do my job thanks to them dragging me along all year.
For me, for now, carrying my small hand held was SO helpful. I am very cup challenged and only manage to pour water up my nose if I try to run and drink from a cup. Instead, I STOPPED at the water stop, filled my bottle with 3 or 4 cups of water, and then passed 3 or 4 stops before I needed water again. This was very helpful to me as I could drink on the move and when I wanted.
I think negative splits are a good idea. If it doesn’t work, then it probably wasn’t going to anyway. The kicker is knowing what speed I should do on that initial 20 miles of "warm up." I had energy to burn at the end…of CIM with some mildly debilitating soreness creeping in. What does that mean?? How much faster should I try the first 20? Steve tells me that I am “greedy” and that I need to put in the work before I count on much faster races. What about Boston’s hills at the end? Are negative splits still the ticket there???
I am enjoying my rest from 4am mornings and I am gearing up for diving back into school (and MATH…gross!!!!!!!!!!!) this spring. But I will not half ass my running. I plan to keep learning. Lydiard rocks. I plan to build my mileage up more as I am now feeling stronger. On to Boston. Go Team Rogue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Another easy??
And then some was boardwalk along the beach...Here is John running back to see why I am taking so long!!
Tomorrow is Big Sur!! Vacations are fun!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Tuesday after...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
No on PR
My race plan did not include a PR. It was about learning to negative split and I totally nailed it. I kept my 3:40 pace (pretty damn regular too!!) until mile 19 as per coach Steve's instructions and then...
All in the sevens with the LAST mile at 6:31!!!!!!!!!!!!
I imagined running in the soul buster where we all ran on the track after the long run and I really thought, "Piece of cake..."
Was it painful? Duh. But not really until mile 23. What a change from my last marathon!
And what of my race buds?? They were awesome!! Keeping my head out of my a-- and holding my pace was a breeze BECAUSE OF THEM! What an incredible team we have!
Today I feel good...like I may actually figure this racing thing out some day...
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I have a goal...
So my goal time of 3:40 (which Steve agreed to because my training buddies are aiming for this) is actually faster than he planned for me and slower than I planned for me. I planned on 3:30 (20 min less than my original plan) and he planned on under 4:00. Wow... a 30 minute difference of opinion. So we talked and bantered and finally he came up with 3:45, which got shortened to 3:40 so I could hang with my buddies. Of course, to this, Steve added that I would be lucky to do this AND I was NOT to even think of trying to speed up until mile 20. An 8:20 pace for 20 miles. ok....
So, I thought about this for a day or two. Did Steve tell me this to get under my skin and make me want to prove him wrong?? Was this supposed to make me frustrated so I would try harder? Hmmmmm. Or, was he trying desparately to coach me? Is this my chance to show him that I really can listen? That I am indeed coachable?? I deliberated for a long time.
And I came up with this. Steve knows my personality. He knows that this is likely to piss me off so I run as hard as I can. He has seen this side of me. He has also told me repeatedly lately that I do not listen. I know that he likes athletes that take responsibility for themselves but I also know that running stupid frustrates him. He IS the coach. Perhaps I should prove to him that I can listen. It doesn't mean that I have to do it all the time but shouldn't I show that I can also be a good "student?" Shouldn't I make it more desirable to put time and effort into his coaching me?
Steve tells me that I will likely never run a 3 hour marathon. Maybe not, but this pisses me off. It pisses me off enough to cloud my judgment at times. I am not young and I am an inexperienced runner. I do not have time to waste in pissing matches with my coach. My chances of coming as close as possible to this goal in my lifetime (not next week!!!!!) lie in my ability to run smart. I already know that I can suffer...this is a non issue. It is focus and concentration that is my weakness. And I believe I need to learn this. I believe that Steve (and my Team Rogue buddies) can help me learn this. This is my only chance to run my best... show my coach that I can be more... and show myself that I can earn a goal by something other than a hard head and an ability to ignore pain.
So, my goal is out there for all to see. It is in print for me to see. Am I a coachable athlete? Is it so hard to stay at a prescribed pace for 20 miles? Is it possible for me to turn OFF the greyhound and turn on the brain? I look at this as having to swallow my pride. Why is this? What difference does 10 or 15 minutes really make? And yet, my running buddies know. I guess that is why I don't feel quite so stupid writing this down. My goal is to show my coach that I trust his judgment. My goal is to qualify for Boston (4:05) and to stay at my prescribed pace for 20 miles... more or less after this. Aren't we supposed to learn to have a negative split here? Isn't my goal to be a team player if I am a member of our cool team? Isn't my goal to be a good runner if I am spending time and dollars each month to learn how to do this? My goal is to stick to my goal.
- 3:40 pace group to the 20 mile marker. (CHECK)
- Qualify for Boston. (CHECK)
- Listen to the coach. (CHECK)
This may be the hardest one that I have done yet...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I am one who seems to always learn things the hard way. Getting older has perhaps helped somewhat but I still yam what I yam... Focus is so important but so often it eludes me.
There is so much to learn in life that my brain is on constant stimulation overload! I am bombarded everyday with things I do not know or things I do not remember or things I want to rethink or, or, or... Why can't I turn off NPR, google searches, my penchant for Barnes & Noble, ranting, discussions, etc???? I don't feel much smarter than yesterday but I've read, written, debated, and discussed most of my waking hours. I can't wait to start classes at the University in the spring. At least I will HAVE to focus on these. (That all important GPA ya know.)
So, today I ran one of six in the time that I was supposed to. This may seem like a silly thing to be anxious about but I am on a mission (be it ever so slow.) I wanna learn all of the methods that one practises to be a good runner. I wanna learn about my weaknesses so I can overcome them in this decade. That's right. I wanna cut my learning time in half by slowing down.
HUH??? no, no, no... Not slowing down as in "no Boston qualifier." I mean slowing down in the sense of shutting off the extracurricular brain once in awhile and learning to focus.
I am encouraged. I remember a day about 5 years ago (this is kind of embarassing...even worse that I am sure you guys won't be too surprised) that I realized that I could have more than one emotion in a day. Now this may seem stupid (ok, it is stupid) but I really had no concept that you could be happy and sad in the same 24 hours. I just woke up each day and accepted my fate o' the day. Then I figured it out (ok, I went to therapy...haha) and was overjoyed to find out that not only could I have multiple daily emotions but - in being a girl - it was a totally accepted practise! Very, very cool. This means (to me) that I may actually be able to focus on my workout (say running 10K pace) and then still be my same lunatic the rest of the day. Somehow I find that very relieving and uplifting.
Onward through the fog! Focus 101 - and becoming a better...no, wiser...runner.
Monday, November 17, 2008
At 8 and 10 everybody looked pretty fresh and strong. On the drive to mile 21 we had to drop off a specator at mile 16 and we HAD to stop for snacks because we were starving! So...we missed Kevin and Ramon buzzing through but managed to get there to see Kristen come trotting through like a little filly on her way out to play in the pasture. With the exception of Larry and a few others coming by after Kristen, most did not look so chipper. Soon we saw Cheryl coming and I swear she could have been skipping along singing, "la, la, la..." She looked truly like a happy little smurf trucking by. Then Angie appeared with the same easy gait that she had at mile 8. She flashed that same big smile and wave and bebopped on up the road.
We waited a bit longer and got to see many more souls trudging by. I have to say that our team mates looked like A MILLION BUCKS compared to most of the crowd. What a huge inspiration it was to see them looking SO GOOD!! Everyone had terrific times as well so I hope that they are as proud of their performances as I am!! I swear even Steve was walking around all puffed up! And rightfully so! We rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Miles To Go
I haven't posted in a couple to weeks because I was in a bad humor. (yeah, for two weeks) I had been feeling better with my running after such a long time and thinking that I could actually get through all my miles at CIM. Had a 22 and a 24 under my belt with no walking. Then I got sick...just for a week but damn...I took the week off and then ran the next week but felt terrible. Ran with Katie last weekend and could not even go 20, I had to cut it off at 15.
Now, I know that isn't the end of the world but geez...I was so discouraged. I haven't felt good in such a long time that I really wanted to keep that feeling that I was coming through all that. Anyway, I had a really hard time keeping the self pity at bay all week with rough, trudging workouts. whine, whine...
So today I nervously planned to do 27 with my buddies, knowing I could turn around if I needed...and wondering if I could make the longer one of 30. Sure enough my buddies carried me through the whole 27 miles. (Don't ya LOVE our bunch???) And, after downing my 4th GU I decided that I could make the other 3 miles on my own. I left my girls at the turn for home and did my last 3 on my own on the trail and up Waller. 30 miles total. Nerves settled. Confidence re-pumped.
Anyway, today I was AGAIN reminded of how lucky I am that I am a part of such a great group. From how much I missed my work outs when I stayed home, to how sweet everyone was when I came back but was kinda puny, to how running with everyone today kept me motivated. Now, it is time for me to go to bed so I can hit the road to SA in the morning and cheer for more of my fellow Rogue friends...knowing I likely need them more than they need me!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Rogue Halloween Party
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Do I smell smoke??
The MGP laps were between 1:57 and 2:01. (a 7:48 to 8:04 pace)
The 10K laps were between 1:43 and 1:47 (a 6:52 to 7:08 pace)
I would have to say that Cheryl looks to be ready to hammer her goal in SA. It was nice to run with someone who is steadier than me and who noticed that we were at the 10 mile maximum... THANK GOD!!
New shoes! Asics Hyperspeed 2. I got a little blister on the bottom of my foot but I think I had some gravel in there. So what...that was fun. Still, perhaps I should buy more shoes... hmmmmmm. I do love those Zoots...
Annual Halloween Poem
A Horribly Horsy Halloween
by Julia Wolffe 1998
I heard it through my bedroom window, thunder in the night,
It was 10pm on Halloween and gave me such a fright!
First very faint, then louder, louder to a deafening roar,
Then just as quickly, it was quiet and I heard no more.
I lied there silent in my bed, straining to hear a sound,
I fretted an hour, tossed and turned, watched the clock go round.
Then I thought I might have heard it, the tap of hoof to earth,
Should I go to the window? What was knowing worth?
I waited longer, sure I heard a bump here and there.
The window curtain slightly lifted from the cold night air.
And then the noise that beckoned me, a nicker deep and low,
It had to be horses in the dark, summoning me to go.
Oh so quiet, there I walked, to the window sill,
I focused my eyes to the black and stood very still.
Jet black horses, there they waited, for me to get out of bed.
Long curly manes, hooves like knives, eyes of dark, blood red.
I never hesitated but out I ran, barefoot and alone,
The horses turned and gazed at me, eyes as dead as stone.
And in an instant they spun around and disappeared in the gloom.
I stood bewildered in the light that drifted from my room.
I was afraid but could not go in so I sat down in the grass.
Listening and shivering in the cold, I watched the moon drift pass.
I fell asleep and in my dreams I saw them once again.
Dark black horses with blood red eyes, haters of all men.
And in my dreams I could not tame them no matter how I tried,
I followed them with a wishful heart until it broke and I died.
It was still dark when I awoke and it took a moment to see,
That the black horses with blood red eyes stared down at me.
I jumped to my feet and tried to scream, remembering the dream before,
But instead the noise that I made was a stallion’s roar!
Gone were the tethers of my human body, I galloped to join the herd.
I bucked and reared and leapt around with the freedom of a bird.
I never looked back as we raced away and I never was again seen.
I live with the black horses with the blood red eyes who came on Halloween.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Half Halt
This morning I got to have the wind in my face, the company of my friends, and the use of my legs...be they ever so dragging. Not so bad for this day of mine on earth.
Besides that, one of my kids (and her horse) just won the Area Championships this past weekend. Check out this awesome photo:
It is an awesome day!
Hills were Hell...
I was finally feeling a little fitter on my long run on Saturday. Went out for a little 5 miler last night and felt fine. Got up this morning...cool weather YAY!!! My warm up miles felt fine but then I got to Stratford... Now, I actually like Stratford (in a masochistic kinda way) but this morning was not my day. I fizzled out on the FIRST hill and never really got going. I did both loops, I ran ok on Lake Austin, but my hill running was NOT running...it was kinda a shuffle. My stomach was a little on strike this morning so I did skip breakfast. I am sure (and hoping) that this had something to do with my slogging. It wasn't anything in particular...just no get up and go. Thursday I will be choking down my oatmeal (yuk!) at 4am whether my tummy wants it or not...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
How the Body Glides.
Well, I don't know what it is lately but I have needed to use it for some of my long runs...a little on the arms, a little on the thighs, and once near my shoe tops. Ok, I am cool with that...except today...I forgot it. Needless to say, this turned out to be one of those "need it" days because for whatever reason, my inner thighs (sorry, maybe TMI) turned to sandpaper. Yowza! So, I came home and figured out how to get in the shower after losing a layer (or more!!!) of skin. Now I will share it with you:
From the baby department (thank you granddaughter June) I grabbed some Desitin (yes, it is stinky) and in the most brave fashion, I slathered it all over my missing skin areas before hitting the water. Hey, pain management is for running...not for showering or bathing. Takes a while to wash this off but man, was it worth it!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Health care
War in Iraq
Illegal immigration
What the Hell? These are important BUT without EDUCATION none of them will ever be fixed...
CV workout
Today was 4 x 2000 at Eastside track...15K (Critical Velocity) pace. While I am still in a quandry as to what that is for me...I was careful to listen to Steve telling us the benefit of the exercise. This is not too fast or slow, just enough to work with a little oxygen debt. The pace is one you are supposed to be comfortable running for 45 minutes. Mine went like this:
set 1 = 7:11 pace...a little quick
set 2 = 7:18 pace...better
set 3 = 7:17 pace...cool
set 4 = 7:11 pace...I actually felt good
I was "supposed" to be somewhere between a 7:25 to 7:45 pace for this one according to my anticipated marathon goal. But, I do believe the pace was good, even if it wasn't quite on target. It felt right. I am so glad that I am starting to feel better. I added my 100% iron cereal back into my diet a month ago. Could this be helping??? Who knows? I've got my sights on Boston...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Rest of the story...

Anyway, my feet were sore from the changing landscape but I believe the workout and stretching effect was good for them in the long run. I am not ready to head back to the trails full time yet but I hope to keep enthused about doing some of my base building work on the trails. I do believe this stuff gives you a core strength like nothing else. Your buddies love pulling up the lawn chairs out there communing with nature and waiting for you to come in. And the well liked recovery beverage of choice seems to often times be beer. That is good for your hair, right?
Palo Duro 50K
I held on to my race plan for this race...no racing, no Garmin, just do the mileage. I was a little worried about the mileage since I have been having issues with anything above 16 miles and I have only finished 3 20 milers. But, Steve told me to walk it if I had to...just do the miles. I had the perfect day for sticking to plan. I started out at the back (and in the dark!!) for the first two miles but realized that this was not the place to be when one of my buddies told me that the walk/running thing that we were doing had taken 35 minutes to go 2 miles!!!!!! So, we carefully (cactus!!) passed the pack of walk/runners and hit a steady, quiet pace. I stayed at this pace the entire last 29 miles and concentrated on relaxing, ignoring the pain in my feet, and just staying steady. I took my time at the aid stations and thought about what I was eating and drinking. I managed my calories pretty well. I hung out with an over heated runner for a little while. I tried to envision the canyon 100 years ago. It was long but I did (finally) a substantial bunch of miles and was no worse for the wear...
So, this was a good learning experience. I showed myself that I could listen to Steve AND I could relax and think about what I was doing. It was weird though. I know that all of us should try to experience all sides of something if we are to learn all the lessons that we need to know. I thought about this on the way home.
A relaxed "race" is a foreign concept to me. What is relaxed and what is indifferent? I know that I need the lessons of relaxing into my moment or my race pace but will I just get complacent...until I suffer from boredom??? What is this no man's land that I am in?? I am so happy that I completed ALL those miles but knowing that I did not compete seems weird... as if my race was still somehow incomplete. I did not even look at the placings... my old lessons of "you either win or you don't" ever swirling around in the depths of my brain.
Again, I want to learn all these lessons RIGHT NOW because I am impatient. I want to know that I can learn to relax at speed like so many of my buddies are learning to do. I want to know what MY speed is. I want to win. I want, I want, I want...
And then I think about the moment at Palo Duro, on the canyon side of the run. I slowed to round a corner and looked at the red layers of rock on the magnificent canyon wall. I thought about my run on Pike's Peak, when I ran alone above treeline and in my oxygen depraved state felt as if I belonged with that mountain. In that moment, I felt very connected to the strength of that mountain...and I ran home strong and fast.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Not so Dead Zone
Obviously, I am often surrounded by death and I have been for years...losing friends and family many times in my life so far. But it was the death of my mother, almost two decades after my father, that gave me my understanding of it.
I won't go too deep into my reasons for joining Hospice. Suffice it to say that I think that someone's death is a very sacred and important time in their life. Unless the death is sudden, the time that someone is approaching their death is ALL about them. I am honored that I get to spend final days with people. Regardless of how they handle these days, this is the time that they are most human... most humble, most fragile, most alive... Some times I wonder if the grueling long runs that we do are my version of coming as close as possible (in a healthy way!) of feeling these feelings of human fragility and strength.
Fragility and strength... hummmm... aren't these the deep qualities of love???
My other understanding of death came when my mother followed my father in death and I was left an "orphan." My family is small and other than a niece, nephew, daughter, and granddaughter, I only have two living sisters. They are older than me so that puts me 3rd "in line" on the end of life scale. All these things kinda make you wonder about your mortality. It makes you wonder what your own life has been about. It can make you feel small and alone...until you realize that your daughter has your eyes or your friends use one of your favorite sayings or your students talk about traveling the world... and then you see your immortality right in front of you!
And I thought of this. And I realized that my parents (and others I had lost) were not dead either. All of those that touched my life were all inside of me (and by this were passed on to others.) I am the greatest gift to them because I do not let them die. And they are the greatest gift to me because they have made me who I am.
I will be running (I think!!) the Palo Duro 50K this weekend. I will call on my mother for stubborness and my father for humor. I will run on their merits and live on their strengths. I will just add a little of my own chutzpah on the gifts that they gave me (and continue to give me.) And then, I will come home and tell EVERYONE all about my adventure. Ahhhh, immortality... ain't it grand??
Don't ya love 200s?
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Stupid is as stupid does
At one of the office hours a while back Mike asked me why I was running after listening to my diatribe on everything that was wrong with my running. I thought about this question for about a week...maybe longer...and I deciphered out every good thing that was a given - my running friends, scenery, being fit, etc. I thought about pure, basic, raw... the act of running. I realized that my reason for running was the same one that got me into it - running makes me feel alive. Breathing, sweating, heart beating running...so alive.
So I thought about this as we all set off on Soul Buster II. Steve had set up a little change in my workout (seeing how I had only 2 20 milers under my belt and still feeling kinda rough.) So I enjoyed my buddies until the 16 mile turn around and then (with a little guilt) watched them head away to run longer. I went to the track and did 2 miles at MGP, 2 miles at HMGP, and then a cool down. No 10K miles and no jog back to Rogue (since John picked me up at the track.) I had that pang of guilt as my girlfriends set off to jog back to Rogue and that little old feeling of inadequacy started to creep back in.
I went over to say bye to my coach before I headed off with John. Steve was all excited that everyone had run SO well and he actually looked kinda proud. So I sheepisly told him that I did what he told me to and that I did not run the 10K miles. I felt ashamed somehow. Then, in Steve fashion he said, "Well good, I knew you weren't ready."
I looked back on my buddies about to run to Rogue as I walked to the car and I thought of how proud I was of all of them too. What an awesome bunch of runners!!! Then I thought about what Steve said and I realized that when he "knew I wasn't ready" that it did not mean that I was a failure. It just meant I wasn't ready YET. I did the workout that he layed out for me. I listened!!! And, I ran 22 miles without having to walk or whine (too much!) I ran the hills, I ran the track, I did what I was supposed to do.
What that means to me: I belong in our awesome group of runners. Very cool.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Boo Boo?
I mean, I am happy that I did my paces close to what I wanted AND I stayed pretty regular without checking my pace on my watch. (I had my Garmin on but have switched off the “lap pace” setting so I can’t monitor myself while running.) So tempo wise I did it “naked” and it was pretty good. Take a look:
4 400s @ 1:41, 1:46, 1:47, 1:44
2 800s @ 3:36, 3:36
1600 @ 7:27
2 800s @ 3:39, 3:32
4 400s @ 1:44, 1:45, 1:44, 1:41
Yippee ki yay on staying kinda regular! That said, here is my question. Was I supposed to use my 10k pace according to my MGP according to the calculator calculation and then just divide it up myself into 400, 800, and 1600 times??? I did not do that. Instead, I went on the McMillan Calculator and looked (after punching in my marathon goal on the first page) at the times that were down for long distance runner speed workouts since it was already divided up into the distances. Looking back, I can see that they are not always what my 10K pace is supposed to be… Uh, I think I just answered my question.
What an idiot. hahaha I am listening Steve…I swear!!!! It just takes a little jolt now and again! 10K! 10K! 10K! Got it…
10K paces at 3:30 MGP (you can’t expect me to just suddenly listen ALL the time Steve) are: 1:48 (400) 3:36 (800) 7:12 (1600)
10k paces at 3:45 MGP are: 1:56 (400) 3:52 (800) 7:44 (1600)
And checking back on McMillan it looks as though these times correspond to the Stamina workout times. Ok…
What did I learn? Listen to the ENTIRE workout description…Use Rogue Calculator paces and do your own math…Steve is right, be realistic about your MGP and don’t try to push the improbable at this stage in the game. I just gotta stay under 4:05 in 26.2 to qualify for Boston…Focus Julia Focus!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
About Me
Rogue Horses?
Anyway, Steve asked me what I did with my rogue horses. Did I work them differently or did I have a tried and true methodology? So I told him. It came to light how similar this was to a runner working with his or her own body. Interesting… Basically, I followed a path that covered four main directives which had to be done in order:
ATTENTION – this one varied according to the needs of the individual horse. Some were peaceful and others quite violent…depending on just how ingrained the unacceptable behavior was.
(After the ATTENTION phase, the methodology was rather routine for all)
TRUST – develops communication, willingness, confidence, partnership
RESPECT – establishes direction, focus, leadership, a tone for the partnership
WORK – this is the meat and potatoes stuff that creates progress (which boosts confidence and focus) BUT is only possible after the first 3 directives are met. Work is about consistency and repetition (slog and grind) in your training. Work isn’t about instant gratification. It is about earning your way.
So…isn’t this funny how this so relates to our training of our own bodies to become runner athletes??
The idea of being present that Steve has talked about since the beginning of our training is generally the idea of getting the ATTENTION of your brain for your running. It is the ability to quiet all the “white noise” of both outside and internal demons so you can just focus on your body and your running. ATTENTION to the moment in your training.
Once you can do this then it truly is down to the other three directives. TRUST that you will learn this, that you can do this, and that this is what you want. Teaching your body to RESPECT your knowledge. Having your body RESPECT your brain’s decision to go farther or through the pain because experience tells you that you have done it or faith tells you that you can. And finally, just “walking the walk” and doing the WORK required to get the job done. It should be no surprise that to learn to run, one must run. Duh. All of us have to do the WORK to become the runner that is inside of us.
So on my way to the track tomorrow, I hope I remember to think of my responsibility to my training…attention, trust, respect established in the warm up and then…in the words of Steve Prefontaine, “To give anything less than your very best, is to sacrifice the gift.” So what is my responsibility to my training? Once my brain has told my body what needs to be done, I hope to do my best to follow that path and just put in the WORK.
This is how I plan to grow up to be a runner.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Medium Long 10/7
Monday, October 6, 2008
Guys? Really...Santa???

Santa is NOT dead
How can that be said?
He is alive in my head.
Perhaps too well fed,
Fashion a little too red,
By a buncha reindeer led,
Ho, ho, ho all he said,
Sneakin' in when you're in bed,
Drives an ol' sleigh, no moped,
And to Mrs. Claus is wed,
Time to be done with this thread...
Bad, bad, bad you non-believers...
So I like this "treat every Saturday long run as race preparation" thing. This was talked about at our meeting yesterday. Steve said that all of our quality workouts are designed around the long run and making us feel faster but... the long run is the king... don't skip it and do try to mimic what you plan to do (but running at easy pace NOT mgp) in California. So far, I have never really had a real race plan... ideas, yes but a plan, no. Stuff I have tried before is this:
- Do not go out too fast (so far a dismal failure at this one)
- Squish the cup together to drink your water on the move (dismal failure #2)
- Get in a rhythm (getting better)
- Get enough sleep the night before the night before (trying)
- Have the right nutrition before and after (no clue)
Ok, so I have learned that going out fast does NOT work. Squishing the cup together seems to be a skill that may take me eons. Sleep and rhythm are coming along sorta. Nutrition...ugh...
Going out fast feels kinda good and looks good on the Garmin. But, what I have learned so far in my limited running career is that if you do this, you WILL die out. Patience and an appropriate tempo really is a skill that you have to learn (by doing.) I realize that this is a mental issue for me and that makes it very hard. I have to learn to FEEL and to be able to focus on this feel. I don't think I am too much of an idiot... I really think that this skill is learned by doing and by analyzing what happens with your body on all of your different runs. This will take time AND mileage. (One big benefit to our long distance base phase for sure!!)
Squishing the cup together... damn... why is this SO hard??? Lately I have been carrying the small water bottle thingie ($10 at Rogue) to see how this works. I am considering carrying it in the marathon. It is easy to fill up and relatively easy to carry. It has a small pocket for salt tabs and stuff. It is not as heavy as the bigger trail running bottles. I dunno... I don't like carrying something but maybe???
On to nutrition. I have read, googled, studied, questioned, and gone to Meredith. This is the hardest thing. I think it is a big piece of the puzzle. I think that I got away with sketchy nutrition before because my body was ignorant. Now it knows better. I am working on different things while running and before running nowadays. I know my cramping and (lately) my running out of gas can be improved with the right nutrition but I have a lot of things to learn still yet. I have a lot of questions and love any input that any of you have!!
We have 9 weekends leading to CIM. CIM is on the 9th one and I guess we may taper two others?? So this means only 6 or 7 long runs left before the big day! I see what Steve means now! We have just this many days to iron out what socks to wear, what to eat, when to sleep, and any other "maybes" we may have. Countdown guys!! I need new socks for sure!
Electic Austin Rogue Post
Imagine a Bryan trail run,
30K you can try,
Joe put together a good one,
Not a person did die.
Imagine shady, soft trails,
calling for your feet...
Imagine grown up people
With us that's hard to do
We played with a skinny plastic bat
And a little plastic ball too
Imagine tempting heart attacks
'cause we just wanna have fun... woo hoo...
You may say I'm a lunatic
But you know you are one too,
We have to save the planet earth.
It is up to me and you.
Imagine all your Rogue friends,
Together in a lovely place,
We eat and drink with our buddies
And get excited about our race,
Imagine what we can accomplish,
because we are a team... woo hoo...
You may say I'm a lunatic,
But you know you are one too,
We have to save the planet earth.
It is up to me and you.
And that is all I have to say (sing) about that. Peace and Love.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A Star!
....but he had a great heart. In true horse fashion, he was a follower...obedient, subservient, and willing to take on whatever personality that was demanded of him. I rode my "All American Boy" to an area championship that was really way beyond his natural abilities as a jumper. But he did it because I told him he could. So what keeps me (or any of us) from believing that well in ourselves?? So many lessons we can learn from our pets!!! This horse was the epitome of "I think I can" and it was under my guidance. He believed me when I told him that he was a star...and then he proved to me that he was. How is that for heart?? He died several years ago (an old man) but when I think about it, I do remember the lesson he taught me... if you believe you can then it will happen. Way to go boy!
Rolling, rolling, rolling
I am one of those runners who struggles with paces. I understand "run until you taste vomit" and I understand (kinda) jog to the workout but I do not understand 15K. To make matters worse, I am a different runner than I was during my last training - ie. different paces again!!! Geez! So this morning I just decided to push a little harder at first since I am feeling quite wimpy on speed. However, I was determined to stay in a non-puke rhythm. This worked but by set #4 I was getting tired and my form and attitude (I am REAL into self-depreciation) started to go to Hell. So, after the first lap I decided to concentrate only on relaxing my breathing...run a 15K speed...what I should be able to do for 9 1/2 miles... My last set then felt fairly slow but this is how it went:
Set 1: 9:15
Set 2: 9:08
Set 3: 9:01
Set 4: 9:13
So basically, just by relaxing my breathing I was able to maintain a similar pace but not feel too stressed by it.
I read "Running Within" by Jerry Lynch/Warren Scott a couple of months ago. It is a good book and talks a lot about attitude and the mental aspects of running. For an ADHD person, who is also very stubborn, it has been easy to agree with the book but much harder to put it into practice. I would much rather just run balls to the wall all the time and not break down. But, that is not how it goes. Balls to the wall is great but I did break down and now I am struggling to reprogram myself. "Running Within" has been a good book to go back to for reference now and again. From treating your fellow competitors as your inspiration (training partners) to learning to RELAX and FOCUS on the moment (and enjoyment) of your run, maybe this book will help me deal with just taking a deep breath now and again. Looks like it worked this morning! Rolling right along...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
October Cool (we hope) dates
My favorite holiday (HALLOWEEN!) is this coming month as are the following:
Oct. 1 = International Day of Older Persons - this is the day that younger people let older people pass them on the track or trail (I am NOT making this stuff up!)
Oct. 11 = Reptile Awareness Day - this is for single women (or men) to discuss the varied patronage at NON-ROGUE personals functions.
Oct. 12 = International Moment of Frustration Scream Day - This is a Sunday... are we running that day?? Perhaps we are frustrated that we are not?? Steve??
Oct. 18 = World Menopause Day - Celebrating at the Palo Duro trail run. Anyone wanna f---ing come with me???
Oct. 25 = Make a Difference Day - Awwwwwww. Many thanks go to Rogue, Keep Austin Running, my friends, child protectors, and puppy adopters.
Oct. 31 = Halloween! THE best party night! However, it is on a Friday (pre-long run) so I guess the celebration will have to be Thursday! Oh for a sugar coma! (Don't look Meredith!!)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Runner Girls at ACL
Food! Glorious Food!
Running has caused me to reevaluate this food issue in my life. I have found huge problems with digestion, energy, and just getting the right amounts of foods for overall nutritional health. Even as a kid I used to moan to my mom that someone just needed to come up with a really cool "meal pill" that would give you all the nourishment you needed, allow you more outside play time, and cut meal time down to all of 10 seconds and no cooked carrots (which I love now but couldn't even convince the dog to eat when I slipped them under the table.) Thank God Meredith Terranova came along and is working on my runner's nutrition!
Imagine Meredith's surprise when I told her I ate no processed food other than sugary things and no salt. "How do you get your salt/electrolyte balance then?" she asked. Silence. "Do you cramp frequently?" was her next question. "Uh, basically the entire time I am awake." was my answer. Oh boy, work to do, work to do.
I got a list of things to eat and not eat. I got some articles on healthy eating. I was told to keep a food log to see how I was doing. Ok. Six weeks later my food log is two days long. My bad. So, I decided to go to a website that I had used in the past when I was having some anemia issues (yeah, I don't like meat either) and I broke a rib (yeah, I am not a big dairy product fan either.) This website makes the whole food log thing much easier. It keeps tabs on calories, carbs, fats, proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals. You should check it out:
So I have been keeping a log now for several days (I got inspired by all of Priscilla's posts) and WOW, what a wake up call. No surprise to me, I eat a little too much fat and not enough protein. Unbeknownst to me, even with trying, I am way lacking in iron, calcium, and several B vitamins. Basically some of the most important nutritional biggies for runners. And I am consistent with my faux pas as well. Well then, time for a change! I am gonna keep this log going for a little while longer and try to work on this.
Ya know, there are so many things in life that are out of our control...even botox only goes so far. So, if I can tweek my nutrition a little to help my body recover or energize well, why not?? The salt thing?? A miracle. I noticed the lack of cramping immediately with just the addition of a few salt pills. See! I knew the pill thing would work!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Avid reader/runner
I love to read. My eyes don’t generally cooperate for too long these days so my reading is in spats, like driving some car with a bad clutch. This is dangerous for an ADD type such as myself, for I generally have 2 or 3 books going at the same time. They are often totally unrelated and it is a surprise each time I pick a new one up!
Ok, moving right along…
Despite being sick this week and having my first five mile run this morning, I was, and still need to be, in my base building phase. I am not yet ready for any quality work. This has been a bone of contention for me as I kinda like doing what every one else is doing (uh, except when it comes to TV watching!!)
So I became a little disgruntled about being the oddball. (I think some of my buddies may have even noticed, despite my quiet and demure manner.) I got somewhat of a bad attitude. That’s when Steve told me that I needed to stick some Led Zepplin (the greatest rock group EVER) or some disco (oh, like you never listened to it) on the CD player on the way to my workouts. “Get pumped!” he said, “Stop worrying about stupid stuff.” So I did. But it didn’t work. I just could not shake being the “one who is still behind.”
Back to the books. I decided that I could add one more book to my several in progress and got one that Steve had recommended (about getting your head…well, ya know.) So now I had 4 books that I was carrying about, to be read at any break possible. But wait a minute!! What was I thinking??? For someone with yucky eyesight for reading AND who rides around in a car more than a NASCAR driver, what about (drum roll) audio books??? I am not completely in the dark ages. I have had audio books for long drives. Then I thought…everything I do is a long drive! So I hit Barnes & Noble and I bought one.
I listened to my new book on the way home. And, I listened to my new book on the way to the workout this morning. I thought about how it could be bad to get all involved in my book and how it might make me think about it and disassociate from my running. (What can I say? I’m an idiot.) But, I did it anyway and arrived to my workout totally unstressed. No worrying about running. No freaking out about issues on NPR. Just relaxed and interested. Very interesting!!!! Yes, the car turned off, the book turned off, and I hopped out just in time to join my group as we ambled off from the Rock.
So how cool is that? How could I have forgotten the best method for clamoring into another mystery world when I needed it pre-workout as much as I needed it as a crazy teenager? I didn’t think about my run (or lack of running) as I listened to my audio story. And, just as when I put my books down and get up from the couch to make dinner, I was able to leave my storybook land as soon as the car shut off and go off to play (run) with my friends. Gee, great way to start the day! De-stress, fun run. Whatever works, huh???
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Ok...working to keep myself honest. What a good benefit of blogging! As I walked (again) the last four miles of my miserable attempt at running this morning, I thought a lot about how dishonest I was with myself. Instead of turning off the alarm and staying under the covers this morning I told myself I just didn't feel that bad. I made a pact with myself to turn around if I couldn't breathe well but ignored this too. I made a promise to myself to turn around at the 14 mile turn around and then decided, "what's another four miles??" I told myself that I had to keep up my long runs or I would not reach my goal...I would fail.
I tried to sneak into the parking lot of Barton Springs so I could jump in my car and run off in my own little misery. Alas, Steve was there chatting with Priscilla, Dee, and Andrea...and he was waiting on me to hobble in. After a brief run down on what went on out there Steve said, "Why must you learn everything the hard way??" Well, I dunno. Here I am trying to afford to go back to school in the next year or so to finish a Social Work degree and what is my claim to fame??? I DON'T LISTEN!!! Great asset! Anyway, the 5 of us talked for a little bit and I had to choke down a little more reality. I have to adjust my goals to real time now (not 2 years ago) and I have to listen to my body...50 is not an excuse, (thanks Dee!) it just requires a little more maintenance. Basically, my running is just going to continue to decline if I don't learn to get my head out of my a--!
I guess that leads me to the proverbial question..."Who am I?" Honestly, I guess I just gotta remember, I am the wolf http://www.animaltotem.com/wolf.html and Rogue is my family no matter what speed, form, or age I am.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Oh yeah, happy, happy!
Tempo running to horses?
Around about 1969 I rode a horse named Blue Boy in my lessons at a German riding school. I was over-mounted but after much begging, pleading, and negotiating, I convinced my trainer to let me try this horse. The first lesson was relatively uneventful and I was feeling fairly frisky. The next lesson was different. I was bucked off seven times in our one hour ride. Not only were my fellow riders getting mad about stopping to catch my riderless demon charging about but with each episode I could see my time on my prize horse was limited. So determination (anger) set in and I figured out how to hold my outside rein so short that Blue's nostril was rubbing along the indoor arena wall as we moved along. He was unable to spin around and go barrelling across the ring. Case solved. We became good friends and my riding improved.
Moral #1 Stick with whatever goal you have chosen for yourself. It will work out.
Of course, after becoming the kid that "tamed" the wild gray horse, I was then given the next one in line, a big, rotten, black wench mare by the name of Orchid. Come to find out her name had been changed to Orchid from Lorelei (the siren that sang so sweetly on the Rhine River causing all the passing ships to crash on the rocks and kill everyone aboard) Still, I managed.
Moral #2 Learning is a forever journey. Just when you think you have it all figured out, Lorelei comes along.
Luckily with the knowledge (from Blue Boy) that things would work out if I just hung in there I did learn to ride the black beast.
So, my tempo run this morning... not quite bucked off...I am still hanging on to the saddle...
Monday, September 8, 2008
Do I really wanna run on Sundays??
So, anyway, I wasn't too keen about hitting the trail at the "late" hour of 8am on Sunday morning AND the paper was screaming to be read, the coffee pot was the only thing looking perky, and my soft feather pillow was trying desperately to lull me back into dreamland. But my boyfriend John diligently got up to turn off the alarm and then stayed up...damn. Not ever to be outdone, I got up myself. I drove on down to Town Lake in my usual half asleep / half awake stupor but I kept getting buzzed by all these hyper, focused, busy body drivers. What the Hell were all these people doing up??? Oh yeah. It was not 5am.
The trail was swarming with people. Try as I might, it was hard to be really grumpy even though my feet hurt and my hips were stiff from the 20 miler AND some chick let her dog defecate on the trail (more than once!!) The air was still cool (by TX standards,) my stiff ol' legs managed to bend enough to run AND who should pass me by but our very own "black short shirtless wonder boys" lookin' all bright eyed and sassy. I guess it was ok to read the paper later in the day. It was a good morning to go out for an easy...
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A new venture here...
2. somebody mischievous: a mischievously playful person, especially a naughty child
3. dangerous solitary animal: a vicious or uncontrolled animal that lives apart from the rest of its herd or group
This is me and this is what my running reminds me of all the time.
I love being a playful, naughty child. It is my nature and running provides so many of the right ingredients. I can trail run through the dirt and weeds! I can be completely drenched in sweat and not brush my hair! I can pee standing up! I can race my buddies! I can run in the road and never use a sidewalk! Running is the freedom for me to be what I love about me!
On to the next definition...a dangerous solitary animal. Running also throws me down the crater of the live volcano known as my darkside soul. This is the part of me that is intensely competitive. It is the part of me that can tear my pysche to shreads if it detects a weakness of any kind. It is what tells me that I am not good enough, not in pain enough, not strong at all. And it tells me I must bear the brunt of all of this with a hard heart and detached mind. Whoa...some heavy stuff...
Thing is, I love Rogue #2. My heart is that person. The more I run, the more I realize that this playful child of mine has to remain a big part of me. It is my freedom. It gives me the freedom to feel how good this feels...how alive this feels. It shows me the importance of taming that dangerous solitary beast of Rogue #3 that would burden me with thoughts of apathy or coldness or inadequacy.
So there you have it. It is all in my name.