Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hills were Hell...

Damn, and I like this run...

I was finally feeling a little fitter on my long run on Saturday. Went out for a little 5 miler last night and felt fine. Got up this morning...cool weather YAY!!! My warm up miles felt fine but then I got to Stratford... Now, I actually like Stratford (in a masochistic kinda way) but this morning was not my day. I fizzled out on the FIRST hill and never really got going. I did both loops, I ran ok on Lake Austin, but my hill running was NOT running...it was kinda a shuffle. My stomach was a little on strike this morning so I did skip breakfast. I am sure (and hoping) that this had something to do with my slogging. It wasn't anything in particular...just no get up and go. Thursday I will be choking down my oatmeal (yuk!) at 4am whether my tummy wants it or not...

1 comment:

kirsten said...

Boy do I know that feeling. No matter how hard I try, sometimes my legs just won't go. Sucks doesn't it!