Thursday, October 30, 2008

Do I smell smoke??

The Burn... 400m at 10K & MGP for 10 miles. Thank you Cheryl for keeping me on track (and on the track!!) I am slowly feeling better and getting somewhat of a stride back. Cheryl and I rocked on our paces.

The MGP laps were between 1:57 and 2:01. (a 7:48 to 8:04 pace)
The 10K laps were between 1:43 and 1:47 (a 6:52 to 7:08 pace)

I would have to say that Cheryl looks to be ready to hammer her goal in SA. It was nice to run with someone who is steadier than me and who noticed that we were at the 10 mile maximum... THANK GOD!!

New shoes! Asics Hyperspeed 2. I got a little blister on the bottom of my foot but I think I had some gravel in there. So what...that was fun. Still, perhaps I should buy more shoes... hmmmmmm. I do love those Zoots...


MW said...

New shoes? You? Really?! hahahah

Glad you're finding your groove, Stella!

kirsten said...

Isn't that a fun workout though? Smoke and all.

Priscilla said...

Way to rock it, and you looked too cute in your box last night!!