Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Don't ya love 200s?

I am still a green enough runner to actually enjoy running around and around on the track. Maybe it is comfortable because I am used to riding around and around an arena...or maybe I just enjoy how soft it is or the games I play going around and watching the white line on the track (you probably should not even ask...) Anyway, I did plan on really holding my 5K pace on the workout yesterday but I ran my sets faster than my MGP would indicate I should. So, in my effort to learn and become less green I went to office hours and asked Steve about it. Did I goof up and set my training back 6 months???? (ok, a little over dramatic...) Steve was ok with me enjoying my "speed" in our workout. His directive: If you run your sets faster, just make sure you can hold them all the same with a similar effort. Ok, I think I can do that... I just gotta pay attention...

1 comment:

Ken said...

LOL, dramatic? Maybe just a little. But I can definitely understand. Good to see you healthy again.