Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I love my car...

The driveway to my house!

A closer view...

They were big suckers!!

I saw the storm coming and it was BLACK (and kinda green...) I was hauling ass home from the barn on this little winding country road with the wind blowing and rain pelting my windshield when suddenly the Heavens opened and threw pounds of hail on me. The road turned from asphalt to ice in a second and my car went skidding across the hail balls totally out of control! But good ol' Sabrina (the car) stayed straight and grabbed a tiny piece of asphalt to slow down and stay outta the ditch. I drove (SLOWLY!!) the rest of the way home with hail the size of ping pong balls beating the Hell out of me. Got home and Sabrina looks like she may have weathered all that without (I hope) any dents! (From Physics I have learned that moving through the hail is better than stopping!!) So, my car seems to have saved me AND still maintained her I can't say the same for the plants out on my deck...poor naked little things...shredded leaves...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

An old Irish Blessing...

"May the road rise up to meet you..." came true for me this morning on our run on Shoal Creek.

So...St. Paddy's Day is over, to heck with Irish blessings, I am going with a Lily Tomlin quote:

"The ROAD to success is always under construction."

Ain't that the truth???

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round

...instead of falling off again!!

Today's run wasn't easy or fast but it was SO much better than last week. Already, my body is responding to the days off and the decrease in mileage. By the time I reached the track (after 20+) I felt ok and Steve let me run the first two MGP miles. The plan had been to run none of the track miles so I was relieved to run a couple and listened when he told me not to run any more... I feel like I can go to my weight workout with a better heart tomorrow (saving my next short run for Tuesday...)

Since I have also been instructed to stay on the trails once a week, I can say that part of my better mood today can likely be attributed to my run on the trails at Rocky Hill Ranch yesterday. Nothing like running in the mud and then downing mimosas and migas with friends to clear the head.

Last night, before I turned in, I watched this "old" Pike's Peak video made by Dan Keitz for our Rogue 2006 Pikes team. I have said that I love to run because I love to compete...and that is true...but this video also reminds me of the childish pleasure I get from romping around with my friends too... Check it out!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Over the mountain!

Well, Steve told me to trail run more this summer so I went ahead and signed up to run the 50K at Lake Tahoe in July. Check out the picture! It just looks like a good idea!!

Da Plan! Da Plan!

Basically 5 weeks to go until Boston and I have cussed and discussed my plan with my coach. I now have a new "let's get through this round of sh-t (again)" plan. Ok, I am good with that. A plan is a plan. No goal for Boston...just run. No fall marathon!!!! (This could be reinstated) Run for fun at Jemez in May and H2C in August. Aim for Boston 2010. Ok, I accept (kinda wholeheartedly) this challenge. The challenge of maintaining a forward focus dictated by my body, my hormones (I guess,) and my overly active brain.

My Plan:

Keep up with the weights 3x a week. (probably need a visit with Mark about that)
Keep my weekly trail run going.
Cut mileage in half or don't even think about it...just get my 20 long in each week.
No quality.
Cut running days to 4 or 5.

I am not disappointed about this new plan. (I was the last time we did something similar) I am relieved. I was scared to take a non running break (I already took 4 days and thought I may need longer) because I am already grumpy and fatter. But I have felt so bad in everyway on every run lately, it was getting to my psyche (you noticed??) and making me really lose sight of any joy in running. So, I look at my new plan and I am relieved. I know that all the "no this and that" is all negotiable. And I think I may actually be able to find some balance with this more compact (I won't say smaller!!) effort.

I have put hours, months, and years into horses that I patched up on numerous occasions throughout their training. No matter what the outcome, it is always worth it. In the words of T.S. Elliot:

"Only those who will risk going too far, can possibly find out how far one can go."

That said, I am headed out to run a little in the mud tomorrow morning and then I will be seeing my team at Sunday's Soul Buster II for my 20 miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Not so Green!

41 degrees, raining, blowing... I drove a 62 mile round trip this morning (20mpg = $6.00!!) to run 8 miles in 41 degrees, raining, blowing...

As I mentioned in my last post, my dog is naked. So, instead of booting her out this morning and hanging in town until my class starts, I let her stay in and came on back home. She was kinda perplexed but is looking pretty smug now while she eats her breakfast in the warmth of the big indoors. Wait...spoke too soon, now she wants out... I bet that won't last too long!

I have a driving day today. School (back to town) the barn (up to Leander) happy hour (back to town) home (Jonestown) Today I am the ungreenest driver ever...

On the up side, it was great (ok, kinda cold too) running with my teammates this morning who were also psycho enough to be out in the elements. Hail (not the frozen stuff!!) Team Rogue.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Uh oh...

I shaved Emma's hair (my dog) all off and tomorrow's high is 45. uh oh... She comes in at night if she feels like it but generally she lives outside. Guess I better make a "crate fort" to put in the carport for her while I am gone tomorrow. She would have a stroke if I leave her inside by herself... Sonething she would have to get used to if we move into a condo!! Meanwhile Cain, my neighbor's big male rottweiler, (our yards connect) wants to come in but Emma is having nothing of it. She has been out cruising her posts for the last hour and growling at Cain (who can whip her butt by the way) every time he ventures up to the door to ask to come in... crazy dog...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Running on Empty?

I studied algebra for 8 hours straight today. OMG Sadie, how did you do this??? I was so stressed, I ate a buncha Ben & Jerry's ice cream and I murdered a bee. A bee!! The ones that pollinate our world and keep us from dying! His little body is still on my counter (I killed him by setting the honey jar on top of him of all things...) and I keep hoping he will somehow leap up and fly off.

Anyway, I had to stop and move on to more pertinent things (than my stupid midterm tomorrow) that involved my most important running issues. I have been reading about overtraining for awhile since I seem to be easily prone. Have I not ever fully recovered from the first bout? Dunno.

So anyway, I found this article on some easy focus points for team runners/competitors. It was talking about how successful competitors had a pretty good grip on the three "Cs" which are Challenge, Commitment, and Control.

It was kinda interesting to me because I know that I need a break but I look at that as weak or being a quitter. (ok, stupid I know.) And simplifying it in this way makes me feel better because I have one of the three "Cs" on track (more or less!!)

Commitment to me is a no brainer. I have a goal. I have a huge support group. This is the easy part...and I am sure will be the cork that keeps my head above water for as long as it takes. Or in the words of Rooster Cogburn, "I ain't dead yet."

Challenge and control are...well...kinda outta control. But this gives me more of a clear idea of what to work on. My runs are not a challenge right now. I don't feel challenged...I feel exhausted, defensive, and apathetic. Feel like I am fighting a battle with a sapling twig... time to head back to the castle and sharpen the sword. As for control, I am an emotional roller coaster and one (or maybe two) steps shy of sitting on a rock drooling...can't sleep, only wanna eat sugar, and just all out bitchy. I am thinking that perhaps a round of massages and that mystic soothing music are in order... perhaps a glass of wine. (I've heard red wine will kinda counteract all that sugar in your system...)

I plan on no running for ???? days. I plan on having a new plan. One thing is certain. The goal remains the same.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

No Whining!!

I am over my limit of melt downs so I decided that I better do something else! The only reasonable thing to do is to take responsibility for myself...dammit... Today's run was another trudger...and I resorted to run / walking for half of the time out there. But, I guess I am now listening LOUD and CLEAR to my body and it is time for a redo on the current plan (again.) And why not? Isn't that how we all ultimately figure this stuff out??

Unlike my last (?????) blogs, this one is not to whine or vent. I am writing mostly to remind myself of what I am doing now and how this feels. If, by some chance, any of this makes a connection to anyone else then consider yourself a compadre and use my struggle to "find my own self" to encourage you to forge your own way. In the words of Gloria Gaynor, "I will survive!"

So today, as with Thursday and most of my runs in the last 6 weeks, was very dragging. I actually couldn't even get going enough today to breathe hard. My feet felt as though I was bogged down in deep mud or that my feet were somehow magnetized to the roadway.

My entire gait has changed. There is no bound or thrust. I only feel my quads working to pull each leg a little forward until the shoe skids along the road to stop with a clunk while the next leg is being heaved forward. I suppose this is heavy legs to the max. So heavy that at times I just HAVE to walk for a minute for fear that the leg isn't gonna pull enough forward to keep from falling on my face.

Why am I sliding back in that "over training" hole I was just climbing out of?? I have been so good! But...maybe not... Why must I fixate on what I am "supposed" to do instead of what I should do? Why am I frantic? When will my hormone rushes get under control? When will I feel rested? What if I am incapable of working hard anymore? What if I go completely crazy?????????????

Well, let's see... I can't answer all (or any!) of that stuff up there! But I can (kinda!) control the crazy taking responsibility for myself and (as Geezer pointed out) letting my running save me (if I will let it.)

There are 6 weeks to go until Boston. I need a vacation before then. I seem to have run out of run... Yes, I will be heading down to office hours on Monday to ask the coach what game plan I should follow. Time to start over. Stella (Julia) wants her grove back dammit.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Rockin' Rollers

I was thinking about my Uncle Harry today on the run. The run was hard. I was having issues...what's new, huh???? I got almost to the end of Balcones and just stopped, turned around, and headed home. (yeah, back down Balcones...I am an idiot, what can I say?)

Anyway, back to Harry, my uncle lived in a little cottage in England all covered with vines and basically invisible...even from the front gate. Harry was a scientist and an author (something about semi-micro organic organisms.) He was a very smart dude. But he hid out in his little cottage. We visited some, or he would forget to eat. He was polite but relieved when we got up to go. Harry was sensitive. He fretted over things out of his control. He was completely distraught over the use of the metric scientist in their right mind would do such a thing... So, was Harry in his right mind? Basically, he got tired of living somewhere along in his eighties and starved himself to death (all the delivered dinners were in the fridge and the closet...)

Ok, so as I ran (trotted) back to my car UP and DOWN, UP and DOWN, I was wondering what in the Hell I was doing out there! Why was I running??? I admit. I was thinking that this was ONE thing in my life that I should be able to control! It is just me and the pavement! I buy new shoes (a lot!!) I eat well, try to sleep enough, go to the gym... I have such good friends and such an inspirational group to run with. I chat and blog away to everybody! Yet, it is out of my control.

And that drives me crazy!

I've thought about this...I run because I love to compete. I love to see what I can do. I love to win. With running it is so raw. It isn't about the horse or the tack or the judges... it is about YOU. I like that.

I keep getting passed. I keep fading out. I keep pounding the ground harder and harder. I am out of control... I even considered blowing off Boston this year.

But, right about that time Angie came by and invited me to run the rest of the way in with her. Got to the Springs where my friends were and was unable to hide in my car or run off cause everyone was all chatty. Got to the coffee shop and had a "how are ya" text from Brenda. Guess I will see everyone on Saturday. What the Hell, who needs control?? Livin' on the edge...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

White Bird

So this afternoon, I left my Physics class and headed out onto Lamar to venture homeward. The wind was blowing like crazy. While I sat at the light to turn west on 6th Street, a white bird flashed by my car and sat down on the grass next to me. It was pure white and beautiful. I noticed that it was a dove, and not a pigeon as I originally thought. The lovely face and slim neck was illuminated by its bright color. I immediately decided it was a girl and wondered where she came from...unusual to see white doves flying about here. Then I remembered, it is my mom's birthday today. And in my own weirdo little way, I guess this was the gift she sent to me. And as I drove along, the song "White Bird" by Its a Beautiful Day played in my head.

"The sunsets come, the sunsets go.
The clouds roll by,and the earth turns old.
And the young bird's eyes do always glow."

Happy Birthday Mom...

Warhurst Was Work!

I ran within where I should have so I guess that works for me! Still battling hamstring cramping and fatigue issues but my girlfriends kept me on track...

1 mile (7:20 - 7:50 pace) 1200 at 10K (5:24)

7:34 5:10
7:35 5:15
7:43 5:17
7:40 5:25
7:45 5:25

So... I did stay in my range and I am pleased about that. These are not as fast as the Warhurst from the past (haven't run this since Performance Project) but probably faster than they would have been last fall. It would be nice to say that I ran like most of my buddies and had much better times but it is what it is! I am proud of everyone's efforts and times this morning and I am happy that I get to keep pulling off of all their energy!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Trails!

Sunday was a fun trail run...down in the trees away from the wind and with a buncha friends! Big breakfast after at Waterloo totally hit the spot.

This was COMPLETELY different from my Saturday run where I could barely move. After that run (another "run of pain") I came home and double dosed on Calcium/Magnesium. Whether that was the magic bullet for Sunday or not time will tell. All I can say is that I ran without the debilitating cramping that I have had for 3 weeks. Hmmmmmmmmmm.........

And I bought new shoes!!! Real purdy blue ones! Great day!