Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Boston post #1

Not ready for a race report yet...madly studying Physics (well not at the moment but mostly I am...) Besides there are some great ones posted already - Mike's is brilliant!! Just had to say that Boston was beautiful. Great city, good food, chilly but good weather, and wonderful team mates (and John!!!) to spend my time with. The Boston course is perfect for us. Our training is very compatible with the rolling course. And boy, the crowd support is like NO other. What a great race!!

That said, it was the most painful race that I have ever done. (Personal...nothing to do with the course!) By mile 4 I lost control of my left leg and by mile six I had stabbing pains up and down that leg. By mile 13, I did not know how I would do another 13 miles. I ran (never walked!!) the whole time concentrating on breathing through the pain mile by mile...and then minute by minute. But, bitching and moaning aside, my legs managed to keep striding all 26.2. I owe it to 3 main things:

  • Steve telling me that I seem to pull out miracles at weird times
  • My supportive teammates and the wonderful throngs of Bostonians
  • My own adaptation of Emil Zatopek's saying "Today I can die."

This course may think that it kicked my a-- but actually it just fired me up to come back next year. Congrats to all my Rogue buddies!


kirsten said...

Way to go Julia. At the end I truly wondered how I could do it again but I will and will try to figure out the right strategy. I am still seriously hurting.

MW said...

my condolences on the death of your blog. It was a good one at the prime of it's life.
; )

P.S. Still waiting on Boston post 2, but i'll settle for Jemez, or School's out, or if you ever found your contact lenses...