Monday, September 8, 2008

Do I really wanna run on Sundays??

So I went running on Sunday...after our 20 miler on Saturday (which was my first "real" one since I had to walk the last 4 miles of the one before that) and after fellow (is that the right term for a girl??) Team Roguer Brenda M. and I went out with my boyfriend, John, to see Reckless Kelly at Nutty Brown Cafe that night. (Uh, that is the picture that I included here; a rare moment of clean, non-sweatiness!)

So, anyway, I wasn't too keen about hitting the trail at the "late" hour of 8am on Sunday morning AND the paper was screaming to be read, the coffee pot was the only thing looking perky, and my soft feather pillow was trying desperately to lull me back into dreamland. But my boyfriend John diligently got up to turn off the alarm and then stayed up...damn. Not ever to be outdone, I got up myself. I drove on down to Town Lake in my usual half asleep / half awake stupor but I kept getting buzzed by all these hyper, focused, busy body drivers. What the Hell were all these people doing up??? Oh yeah. It was not 5am.

The trail was swarming with people. Try as I might, it was hard to be really grumpy even though my feet hurt and my hips were stiff from the 20 miler AND some chick let her dog defecate on the trail (more than once!!) The air was still cool (by TX standards,) my stiff ol' legs managed to bend enough to run AND who should pass me by but our very own "black short shirtless wonder boys" lookin' all bright eyed and sassy. I guess it was ok to read the paper later in the day. It was a good morning to go out for an easy...


MW said...

the weather was too good to NOT be out there that morning!
Plus, we only had 1/2 a mile to go!

Priscilla said...

I love the pic!! It's amazing how different we all look in normal clothes!!

Unknown said...

Great pic...I hope you sent it to Brenda;-)