Sunday, March 8, 2009

Running on Empty?

I studied algebra for 8 hours straight today. OMG Sadie, how did you do this??? I was so stressed, I ate a buncha Ben & Jerry's ice cream and I murdered a bee. A bee!! The ones that pollinate our world and keep us from dying! His little body is still on my counter (I killed him by setting the honey jar on top of him of all things...) and I keep hoping he will somehow leap up and fly off.

Anyway, I had to stop and move on to more pertinent things (than my stupid midterm tomorrow) that involved my most important running issues. I have been reading about overtraining for awhile since I seem to be easily prone. Have I not ever fully recovered from the first bout? Dunno.

So anyway, I found this article on some easy focus points for team runners/competitors. It was talking about how successful competitors had a pretty good grip on the three "Cs" which are Challenge, Commitment, and Control.

It was kinda interesting to me because I know that I need a break but I look at that as weak or being a quitter. (ok, stupid I know.) And simplifying it in this way makes me feel better because I have one of the three "Cs" on track (more or less!!)

Commitment to me is a no brainer. I have a goal. I have a huge support group. This is the easy part...and I am sure will be the cork that keeps my head above water for as long as it takes. Or in the words of Rooster Cogburn, "I ain't dead yet."

Challenge and control are...well...kinda outta control. But this gives me more of a clear idea of what to work on. My runs are not a challenge right now. I don't feel challenged...I feel exhausted, defensive, and apathetic. Feel like I am fighting a battle with a sapling twig... time to head back to the castle and sharpen the sword. As for control, I am an emotional roller coaster and one (or maybe two) steps shy of sitting on a rock drooling...can't sleep, only wanna eat sugar, and just all out bitchy. I am thinking that perhaps a round of massages and that mystic soothing music are in order... perhaps a glass of wine. (I've heard red wine will kinda counteract all that sugar in your system...)

I plan on no running for ???? days. I plan on having a new plan. One thing is certain. The goal remains the same.


Unknown said...

I vote for red wine!

Good Luck tomorrow on your midterm!!!

kirsten said...

The best thing Ruth did for me last year was to discourage me from doing the Team thing. Why? Because I had been training and racing non-stop for almost 2 years and I was burned out. I recognized it coming up to Boston's bad when you can't wait to see the Boston finish line and you're still in Austin. Karen helped me by making me skip Austin as a race and wait for Boston....gave me more down time before the really intense stuff started. I feel like what I'm doing now is managable and realistic. I have a plan for the summer which I think will include Team but will also include cross training and horse time.